Generating Bindings with sbt

To add the sbt plugin to your project add the following lines in project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native.bindgen" % "sbt-scala-native-bindgen" % VERSION)

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayIvyRepo("scala-native-bindgen", "sbt-plugins")
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("scala-native-bindgen", "maven")
Full source at GitHub

Replacing VERSION with 0.3.1 to use the latest version.

Next configure the plugin using the nativeBindings setting scoped to either Compile or Test. The NativeBinding type to configure each binding that should be generated.


By default the scala-native-bindgen executable is downloaded automatically for supported platforms. Set version in nativeBindgen (unscoped) to configure the version of the scala-native-bindgen to use if you want a version different from the version of the sbt plugin.

In case your platform is not supported, you must compile scala-native-bindgen yourself and configure the path to the executable using nativeBindgenPath, e.g.:

nativeBindgenPath := file("/path/to/scala-native-bindgen")

Example settings:


    nativeBindings += {
      NativeBinding(resourceDirectory.value / "stdlib.h")
Full source at GitHub

Given that the stdlib.h header file contains:

int access(const char *path, int mode);
int read(int fildes, void *buf, int nbyte);
int printf(const char *restrict format, ...);
int __excluded(void);
Full source at GitHub

Running nativeBindgen will generate a file named target/scala-2.11/src_managed/main/sbt-scala-native-bindgen/stdlib.scala containing the following lines:


import scala.scalanative._
import scala.scalanative.native._

object stdlib {
  def access(path: native.CString, mode: native.CInt): native.CInt = native.extern
  def read(fildes: native.CInt, buf: native.Ptr[Byte], nbyte: native.CInt): native.CInt = native.extern
  def printf(format: native.CString, varArgs: native.CVararg*): native.CInt = native.extern
Full source at GitHub